Authentic Mexican Guacamole

Juni from Raleigh as a drag queen

Sorry I've been away for so long. Life has been crazy for me these past couple of weeks, it has felt like I do not have enough hours in the day. I've recently taken on some additional activities so now my time is consumed with that. You guys! I haven't even had time to go to the gym or to release my stress with yoga. I am a mess! With that being said I also have not had any time to make any gourmet meals. I have been so occupied taking acting classes and getting dolled up in drag that I have been neglecting my poor man and feeding him kind of sad, easy meals. I strive to be a good housewife but I think I am failing right now. 

But you know what helps make it up to him? A big bowl of authentic guacamole! So funny story about guacamole. When Chase and I first started dating he hated avocados. He was like "Juni I don't know why you like that stuff, it just taste like grass!" he should be glad I did not just dump him on the spot for speaking such blasphemous words about avocados. 

I think it goes without saying that avocados and Mexicans go hand in hand. If I recall correctly the avocado dates back thousands of years where it was used by the Aztec and the Maya for various reason. I think I read somewhere that the word avocado in Spanish aguacate, which originates from the Nahuatl word ahuacatl means testicles. And I'm pretty sure you all already know how I feel about those. 

ingredients for guacamole

Avocados now have become almost as a symbol of luxury with the infamous avocado toast. Millennials are out here spending $10+ dollars for avocado toast and as much as I love brunch and avocados that is the one thing I will not buy at a restaurant. Anyway,  I remember from the time I spent in Mexico my family and I would take trips to my dad's family ranch and on the way there were avocado trees just growing in the wild. Occasionally we would stop and pick some up to take with us. One of my favorite things about it, is that it meant we would probably have guacamole or some sort of salsa later. 

I'm sure there are hundreds of ways to make guacamole but the way I make it, I'm going to say it's authentic because this is how I learned to make it from my Mexican family. The beauty of this guacamole is that it has depth of flavor and contrasting textures besides that smoothness of the avocado. Compared to some of those places that mash up an avocado and call it guacamole, I'm looking at you Chipotle! 

fresh guacamole recipe

At my dad's family ranch they used to grow tomatoes and chili peppers so everything was so fresh and delicious! Traditionally the guacamole would be made in a molcajete because its so much easier to smash things but for those of you that may not have one I'm making it in a bowl. 

To make this authentic guacamole you need some fresh simple ingredients like avocados, tomatoes, onion, jalapenos, cilantro, limes and garlic. When picking your avocados make sure that they're not too hard since you want them to be smooth and creamy. Like all other recipes you always start out with the Mexican trifecta which is tomatoes, onions and jalapenos. Start by small dicing the tomatoes, onions and jalapenos, some people like to take the seeds out of the tomatoes or jalapenos but I think that's too much work and i think the seeds are flavorful anyway. Then you will chop the cilantro and mince the garlic and set it aside. 

avocados for guacamole

Using a large knife cut your avocado in half and remove the pit. I like to cut mine into small squares while still in the shell and then using a large spoon to scoop it out. Follow the same method and scoop out three avocados into a large bowl. Squeeze in the juice of one lime.  Using a fork mash up the avocado until you get your desired consistency, I like mine to still be a little chunky but some of you may like it smoother. Fold in your chopped vegetables and season with salt and some fresh cracked pepper and that's it! Serve it with your favorite chips or as a side for some delicious tacos!  


Authentic Mexican Guacamole

Serves 4


3 ripe avocados

1 roma tomato

1/4 red onion

2 jalapenos

1/4 cup copped cilantro

1 lime

2 garlic cloves

salt and pepper to taste

Small dice 1 tomato, 1/4 red onion and 2 jalapenos. Set aside. 

Chop about 1/4 cup of fresh cilantro and mince 2 garlic cloves. 

Using a sharp knife slice avocados in half and score into small cubes. 

Use a spoon and scoop the avocado into a large bowl. Squeeze in the juice of one lime.

With a fork smash avocado until you reach desired consistency.

Fold in chopped vegetables and season with salt and pepper.

serve with your favorite tortilla chips or as a side for tacos.

authentic mexican guacamole recipe